Information Final acceptance for enrollment at Forrest Ward Memorial is affected only by official School Board action. There is a 45-day probationary period for all students, starting the first day a student attends. New student applicants must submit two references, one of which must be a former teacher/school administrator and the other by a non-relative. Parents/Guardians must also complete the questionnaire and submit all documents on the registration checklist. Applications can be mailed directly to the school or arrangements can be made for direct drop off during the summer. Please email Mrs. Ewing with any questions: Child's Name and Grade Level Registration Checklist Proof of Birth Medical Records Application Form Consent to Treat Form Request to Release Records Parent Questionnaire 2 Letters of Recommendation (Teachers, coaches, club leaders, those who know and have worked with your child). This letter should include information about your child and their experience working with them. Have them give some strengths and weaknesses. Photo Release Form Acceptable Use Policy (Read and discuss with your student) Entrance Fee $400 Signed local field trip permission form (see second page) Do you have an email address where you can be contacted? Submit